

Our client is broken up into several key components, each of which are specified separately. Here we’ll discuss a high-level overview of the different components and what they do.


RpcServer is the exposes a JSON RPC server that users can interact with. It pipes calls to different RPC methods to the various other components that can fulfill these requests.


RpcClient handles interactions with other clients and with the operator.


StateDB stores information about the current head state.


StateManager executes transactions and applies them to the head state. StateManager also handles queries about the current state. StateManager is the only component with access to StateDB.


HistoryDB stores historical information about the plasma chain. HistoryDB is primarily used to store history proof information necessary to assert the validity of a given transaction.


HistoryManager handles queries about historical state and generates history proofs. HistoryManager is the only component with access to HistoryDB.


PluginManager handles access to the various predicate plugins loaded into the client. Other components are expected to go through PluginManager whenever they want to interact with a plugin.


EventWatcher watches for various important events on Ethereum. Components can request that EventWatcher watch a specific event and will be notified whenever the event is fired. EventWatcher is designed to be robust as not to miss events or notify components of the same event multiple times.


ContractWrapper is a simple wrapper around the smart contracts the client needs to interact with. All components, except for EventWatcher, are expected to only interact with Ethereum through ContractWrapper.

Architecture Diagram

We’ve provided a diagram of the interactions between the various client components below.

Client Architecture Diagram